EU brandy imports dumped, no measures for now: MOFCOM

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a notice on Thursday that it determined that brandy from the EU has been dumped in the Chinese market, posing a threat to the domestic brandy industry.

It also found that there is a causal relationship between the dumping practice and the threat of substantial harm, the MOFCOM said in the notice on its official website.

Provisional anti-dumping measures will not be implemented in this case for now, according to the notice. 

Chinese experts said the probe complies with Chinese law and WTO rules, while the initial decision takes into account the overall China-EU economic and trade relationship, creating a relatively favorable atmosphere for the ongoing consultations over the EU's tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), and the EU should cherish China's sincerity.  

The decision not to impose provisional anti-dumping measures reflects a consideration of the overall economic and trade relationship with the EU. It is hoped that the EU will handle relevant trade friction in a compliant manner, Cui Hongjian, a professor at the Academy of Regional and Global Governance with Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times on Thursday.

While no measures are being taken now, China reserves the right to take further action if necessary, Cui said.

From the beginning, China has adhered to WTO procedures in addressing trade disputes with the EU. The investigation was initiated at the request of the domestic industry and conducted in line with WTO practices. This stands in contrast to the unilateral trade protectionism measures taken by the EU against some Chinese industries, Cui noted.

China's anti-dumping investigation into brandy from the EU, prompted by a complaint from the domestic brandy industry, neither targets any specific EU member state nor carries predefined findings, said China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao in April.

China will conduct the investigation openly and transparently in accordance with Chinese law and WTO rules, while fully safeguarding the rights of all stakeholders, added the minister.

The MOFCOM held an anti-dumping hearing on imported EU brandy on July 18, 2024 which covered industrial damage, cause and effect, and public interest in the anti-dumping probe of related brandy products. It aims to ensure that the investigation procedure is fair, just and transparent, the ministry said.

China started the anti-dumping investigation on January 5, following a request from the China Alcoholic Drinks Association on behalf of the domestic industry. The probe is expected to end before January 5, 2025, but may be extended for half a year under special circumstances, according to the MOFCOM.

FOCAC summit to unfold a new chapter of China-Africa digital, tech cooperation

Fortunate Punungwe, a 20-something African radiographer, starts her daily work on Wednesdays by reviewing the patient list and making sure all the X-ray equipment is set up and working properly. Her work is mainly about using portable devices alongside artificial intelligence (AI) technology to spot tuberculosis (TB) patients in Zimbabwe, where over 40 percent estimated TB cases reportedly go undiagnosed.

The African continent as a whole accounts for 23 percent of TB cases and 33 percent of deaths globally., according to an article published on WHO website.

At the beginning of the year, Zimbabwe in collaboration with Chinese tech company Infervision, applied AI in larger scale in local community TB detection. Punungwe joined the program and received training at that time.

According to her, the wide use of digital technology, especially AI, has been a "game-changer" for Zimbabwe, with far-reaching impact on the country's healthcare system.

"Before, the screening process was slower and relied a lot on the radiographer's experience. Now, with AI, we can analyze X-rays much faster and handle more cases each day without sacrificing quality. This also means patients can get diagnosed and start treatment much sooner, which is crucial in stopping the spread of TB," she told the Global Times on Wednesdays.

Punungwe now could screen about 80 to 150 patients on a busy day. And she believed that the cutting-edge technology imported from China has been "making a real difference" in the lives of local people.

Bilateral cooperation momentum in emerging industries like AI is just a recent example of Chinese companies' active participation in Africa's digital and technological transformation. From building digital infrastructure, launching mobile payment to setting up tech know-how training center, there has been no shortage of evidence underscoring how collaboration between China and Africa complements each other's advantage, leads to win-win result and illustrates South-South cooperation that defies zero-sum mind-set.

This year marks the 11th anniversary of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), under which China-Africa cooperation flourished. The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be also held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. Industry insiders expected that the summit to build on previous achievements, while unfolding a new chapter of digital and tech cooperation between the two economies that will close Africa's digital divide and open new avenues to propel its modernization and industrialization push.

Cooperation in tech, digital fields

A spokesperson of Infervision told the Global Times on Wednesday that cooperation in emerging sectors like AI has allowed Chinese companies to fully leverage their advantages, taking account of China's expertise in AI good quality data and leading technology advancement. Also, there's capacity building and knowledge transfer throughout the process, which enable local professionals to improve their skills. The company also plans to further advance to more sub-Saharan African region where rates of TB remain high.

China is currently one of the major countries exporting AI technology and products to Africa. The booming AI cooperation also aligns with the development priorities of the African region, where a number of countries have rolled out AI strategies and stepped up investment in digital infrastructure.

Recent estimates suggest that AI could increase boost Africa's economy by $2.9 trillion by 2030 - the equivalent of increasing annual GDP by 3 percent.

"Collaboration between China and Africa in AI and digital technology has the potential to be revolutionary. Some of the African development problems in Africa can be addressed with the help of China's AI tech breakthroughs," Toumert AI, the General Secretary of the China Morocco Friendship Association, told the Global Times.

As the two economies further spearhead cooperation, he also highlighted the massive opportunities that AI technology could unleash for Africa's modernization efforts across several sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, and education.

Observers stressed that as the expansion of digital infrastructure lays the foundation for widespread application of AI, African nations can also benefit from China's experiences in developing and implementing digital infrastructure to further boost their technological capabilities.

In addition to infrastructure, cooperation between China and Africa in the digital sector has takes taken various forms in the past decades, ranging from information devices, mobile phones and internet applications, which have enhanced Africa's level of digital connectivity and brought technological convenience to its residents, a spokesperson of Chinese mobile phone manufacturer Transsion told the Global Times. Transsion accounts for over 40 percent of Africa's smartphone market.

Setting an example

Since 2000 when the FOCAC was formally founded,Since the founding of the Forum on FOCAC in 2000, Chinese companies have helped African countries build a communications backbone network of 150,000 kilometers and a network service covering nearly 700 million user terminals, according to the white paper entitled "China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals." white paper.

Botswana's Digital Delta Data Center, undertaken by the Botswanan branch of China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co (CJIC), is another case of Chinese companies' involvement in Africa's digital infrastructure construction. The two-storey date data center, located at the capital of Gaborone, is another milestone of BRI cooperation and has become the country's largest data center when delivered last year.

Li Qing, the manager of the Botswanan branch, told the Global Times that the data center is vital to ensuring Botswana's network data security.

"Network data exchange will no longer be conducted through data centers in other countries. Meanwhile, the internet speed is also expected to greatly improve, which in turn will significantly promote the development of network transaction, data mobile payment, contributing to digital economy growth in Botswana," Li noted.

Africa is a "blue ocean market" with a population exceeding 1.4 billion. It also has the world's youngest population, meaning that its digital economy has great potential and will expand steadily with the penetration of digital infrastructure, the Transsion spokesperson said.

"We look forward that the upcoming summit will deepen bilateral ties and usher a new chapter of cooperation between China and Africa, especially leading to substantial, deeper development in digital and technology fields," the spokesperson said, stressing that China will play an even greater role in Africa's future digital transformation.

While certain Western forces have been spreading false narratives around China-Africa cooperation and stigmata slandering on digital collaboration, observers stressed that China's engagement with Africa is based on mutual benefits and mutual respect, and is voluntary.

"China's approach, which addresses Africa's genuine needs at heart, is fundamentally different from certain Western countries' whose moves which are out of zero-sum and hegemonic mind-set," Song Wei, a professor at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times.

US delay of tariffs on Chinese goods shows growing domestic opposition

The US government's decision to once again postpone the announcement of a final determination for additional tariffs on a wide range of Chinese products, including electric vehicles (EVs), fully reflected the growing opposition from US businesses and industries, Chinese experts said on Sunday.

As the US continues to intensify its crackdown against Chinese products, the costs for US businesses and consumers will continue to increase, which will in turn translate into growing criticism of the protectionist US actions. Washington should stop politicizing trade issues and focus on addressing disputes through ongoing talks, experts noted.

The US Trade Representative's Office (USTR) was scheduled to announce the final determination for the hefty tariffs last week, but on Friday it delayed the announcement again, Reuters reported on Friday.

A USTR spokesperson was quoted by Reuters as saying that it would make the final determination public "in the coming days."

This was the second time that the US delayed the announcement. At the end of July, the USTR also announced that the implementation of the tariffs, which had been scheduled for August 1, would be delayed for at least two weeks.

The postponements came as the USTR faces growing criticism from US businesses and industries, which are worried about additional costs resulting from the tariffs. Some EV battery makers, including Ford Motor Co, urged the USTR to reduce the proposed 25 percent tariff on graphite used in battery anodes, according to Reuters.

"I think the postponements are due mainly to the opposition from the US domestic industries," Xin Qiang, an expert on US studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Xin said that many US businesses will still have to buy the products from Chinese producers even if the US government imposes additional tariffs, but "only at higher costs."

He said that the US government has previously ignored the opposition of US domestic industries in implementing additional tariffs on Chinese products. However, "the opposition toward the planned tariffs on a new batch of Chinese products has grown louder, which is having a greater impact on the US government's decision-making, because it faces the risks of economic losses if it continues to crack down on China."

Chinese officials have also repeatedly criticized the US crackdown against Chinese businesses and products, as the two sides continue to hold talks.

On August 27 and 28, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, held talks with visiting US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Chinese and US trade officials also plan to hold a meeting in North China's Tianjinon September 7, the Chinese Commerce Ministry announced on Thursday.

Zhou Mi, a senior research fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, told the Global Times on Sunday that the ongoing talks are conducive for the two sides to exchange views on issues of mutual concern and at least try to find ways to address policies that affect bilateral and even global trade.

Xin noted that Chinese officials repeatedly raised serious concerns over the additional US tariffs during recent talks.

"If the US government hopes to stabilize China-US ties, imposing additional tariffs will only cause further damage," Xin said.

As Japan seeks record defense budget for fiscal 2025, experts warn of militarism resurgence

As Japan seeks another record defense budget of 8.5 trillion yen ($59 billion) for fiscal 2025, Chinese experts said on Saturday that the continuous increase reflects the militarism resurgence of the country which has committed serious humanitarian crimes in the past, and that Japan's dangerous ambition warrants global vigilance and should be jointly stopped by the international community.

Japan's Defense Ministry requested a record budget of 8.5 trillion yen for fiscal 2025 on Friday, aiming to enhance remote island security by deploying unmanned vehicles "amid China's growing military assertiveness," Japanese media outlet Kyodo News reported.

The ministry also wants to use its budget to prompt acquisition of foreign missiles and expand the domestic production base for those capable of striking distant targets, according to the report.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesperson at China's Ministry of National Defense, said at a press conference on Thursday that in recent years, Japan has continuously hollowed out the pacifist constitution, seeking to break free from the constitutional restraints, significantly increase its defense budget, intensify military connections with countries outside the region, and continued to run wildly on the dangerous path of expanding military preparations. This deserves high vigilance from neighboring countries and the international community, Wu said.

"We urge Japan to face up to and deeply reflect on its history of aggression, and gain the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions. We will never allow militarism to rise again," the spokesperson said.

Chen Hong, executive director at the Asia Pacific Studies Center of East China Normal University, told the Global Times on Saturday that Japan's planned record defense budget is driven by its ambition to expand military presence, particularly to strengthen its influence in the Southeast Asia region.

Chen added that the continuous rise can also be attributed to the ongoing pressure from the US on its ally to bolster Japan's budget to support Washington's military deployment in the so-called Indo-Pacific region.

Lü Chao, dean of the Institute of American and East Asian Studies at Liaoning University and research fellow at the Charhar Institute, underscored that the hype of "China's growing military assertiveness" by Japan as an excuse to expand defense budget is completely groundless. "China has never made any so-called military threats against any country, including Japan, and the development of the Chinese military is entirely for self-defense," Lü said.

In contrast, Japan has continued to provoke China on the South China Sea issue, the Taiwan question, and the Diaoyu Dao issue, with the aim of creating tension and shifting the blame to China for increasing defense budget, Lü told the Global Times on Saturday.

According to the Japan Times, the country's budget request for fiscal 2025, a roughly 10 percent increase over last year's record 7.7 trillion yen, is the third of a five-year spending plan of around 43 trillion yen, as Japan aims to spend two percent of its gross domestic product on defense by 2027.

Experts emphasized that Japan's remarkably high defense budget, which far exceeds its actual defense needs, is raising concerns among neighboring countries and the international community. They warned that it's crucial to remain vigilant to prevent a resurgence of militarism in Japan.

Japan must learn from the lessons of history, take concrete actions to completely forgo militarism, and avoid losing credibility with neighboring Asian countries and the international community, Chen said.

The US is also urged to abandon unilateralism as well as double standards, given the fact that its promotion of the "Indo-Pacific strategy" is a contributing factor to the resurgence of Japanese militarism, Lü said.

Kazakhstan: ‘Abay Day’ hosted to remember remarkable poet

The "Abay Poetry Recitation" event was held at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in China on August 9 to commemorate Abay Qunanbayev, a great poet, philosopher, statesman, and founder of modern Kazakh literature.
In his speech, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China Shakhrat Nuryshev highlighted Qunanbayev's historical significance to the Kazakh people lies in his important cultural heritage and instructions to the next generation. The ambassador explained the poet's philosophical thoughts to the audience by reciting Qunanbayev's poems.

Qunanbayev was not only a poet, but also a learned thinker and outstanding genius, who laid the foundations of Kazakh written literature in the second half of the 19th century and introduced new and unprecedented poetic forms to Kazakh poetry, the ambassador introduced.

Today, Qunanbayev's creative legacy has become an integral part of world culture, and his wise personality has found a place among the great philosophers respected around the world.

As a guest, Liu Jiangping, deputy director-general of the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Department of European-Central Asian Affairs, gave a speech, recalling that in September 2013, during Chinese President Xi Jinping's address at the Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, Xi quoted the great Kazakh poet and philosopher Qunanbayev who noted, "The world is like an ocean and our time is like strong wind. Waves in the front are the cider brother while those behind are the younger brother. Driven by wind, the waves from behind constantly press on those in the front. This has been the case since ancient times."

During the event, student representatives recited Qunanbayev's poems in Kazakh and Chinese, and artists from the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra affiliated with the Beijing Chinese Orchestra played Abay's songs using traditional Kazakh and Chinese national instruments.

Born on August 10, 1845, Qunanbayev is considered one of Kazakhstan's most important poets who played a central role in the development of Kazakh as a legitimate written language.

Participating in the annual "Abay Poetry Recitation" event has become a fine tradition for lovers of literature, art, and artistic calligraphy in Beijing.

Cultural heritage app exhibits world museums

A new digital platform that merges technology with cultural heritage was unveiled on Monday in Changsha, Central China's Hunan Province. The Shanhai App brings tens of thousands of artifacts from across the globe into a unified digital space, overcoming the physical limitations of traditional museum collections.

The launch of the Shanhai App comes at a time when interest in museums and cultural preservation is at an all-time high. 

The platform breaks down the barriers between museums, regions, and even countries, creating an open, digital environment where cultural treasures can be accessed, shared, and appreciated by a global audience. 

The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco is one of the museums that has joined the platform. 

"If this platform can succeed, it will not only be beneficial for domestic audiences but also help global audiences gain a better understanding of China's cultural treasures," said Jay Xu, director of the museum.

The "Museum Digital Intelligence Alliance" was formed, comprising 14 museums that joined the app. The alliance represents a commitment to building bridges between institutions and advancing the future of digital cultural preservation. 

"I believe the most important role of a platform like Shanhai is to enable more people to participate in the creation of museum content," said Hou Ningbin, director of the Shaanxi History Museum. 

"It connects the platform with museum ­professionals and links professionals or creators in society who have an interest in museum culture. For museums, this significantly strengthens our ability to promote China's rich cultural heritage."

The efficiency of digital artifact collection on the Shanhai App was the highlight of this launch event. During the event, a digital artifact collection ­process was live-streamed. The team conducted the digitization of an artifact in Shanghai, transmitted the data back to the lab in Changsha, and then sent the results in real-time to the launch event venue.

Looking ahead, the Shanhai App aims to digitize hundreds of thousands of cultural artifacts from museums nationwide. 

In addition to artifacts, the platform will integrate related historical documents, archaeological records, and academic research, constructing a structured data system for cultural heritage. 

The data will be applied to research, education, entertainment, and the creative industries. For example, in educational settings, teachers and students can easily use the app to find historical figures, stories, and related concepts associated with a particular artifact.

A new time- and money-saving trend conquers young tourists

Eight attractions, 30,000 steps, 300 photos, dozens of iPhone video clips…traveler Qin concluded her 12-hour trip in Qingzhou county, East China's Shandong Province.

"It was a perfect journey," Qin shared on social media from a railway station in Qingzhou. Minutes later, she jumped onto a train leaving this time-honored small county.

Qin is among the growing Chinese tourists who are keen on being "special forces travelers." "Special forces travel" has grown into a new trend in China's tourism market over the past two years. The trend describes a travel style characterized by racing against the clock to hop from one destination to another, trying best to visit as many places as possible within an extremely limited time (and budget).

Why did this seemingly rushed, exhausting, military-training-like travel trend become popular? What will the trend bring to the Chinese tourism market? The Global Times spoke with some tourism experts and individual entrepreneurs engaged in related industries, who shared their personal experiences and thoughts on this booming craze.

Tiring but enjoyable

Qin calls herself a big fan of "special forces travel." Busy work and family chores have increasingly limited personal space of this seasoned traveler, so she decided to take full advantage of her weekends.

Including Qingzhou, this Shanghai resident has taken full advantage of her weekends and traveled to cities as far as 1,000 kilometers away, including the Tianjin Municipality, Shijiazhuang in North China's Hebei Province, and Changchun in Northeast China's Jilin Province. Excluding time spent sleeping and on the road, she typically only has about 10 hours to spend in the destination city.

In order to cover as many places as possible within an extremely limited time frame, each time, Qin meticulously plans her itinerary. This includes her arrival time, distances between attractions, and the estimated time she can stay at each attraction.
Qin doesn't find her itineraries tedious. "I enjoy the sense of accomplishment deriving from completing the 'tasks' one by one," she told the Global Times.

Different from Qin's solo weekend escapes, tourist Betty (pseudonym) enjoys embarking on road trips with her family, relishing in the precious moments of togetherness during their travels, however hectic and fast-paced they may be.

Betty travels on statutory holidays, when every member in her family is available. During the Chinese New Year holidays this year, Betty and her family drove to some 10 cities in southern China, including Nanning, Beihai and Zhuhai. To save time and money during the trip, they hit the road before 6 am, limited themselves to only one meal a day, and nibbled bread while on the road. "Like field training," she joked.

Betty explained that her family members are often busy and rarely get the chance to travel. "So each time we plan our family trip, we include as many destinations as we can," she told the Global Times. "It's tiring, but I really enjoy the time on the road with my loved ones."

The rise of "special forces travel" spurred the growth in related tourism services such as local guides and snacks trending on social media are blooming as well.

In Jieyang city of South China's Guangdong Province, a Gen-Z local guide nicknamed "Unicorn" uses her scooter and camera to show tourists around the city's key attractions.

"Unicorn" said many of her customers are "special forces travelers" particularly young females, who want to cover as many must-visit spots as possible in their short trips. "For them, I'm a good choice because I grew up here, and I'm very familiar with this city," she told the Global Times. "Also, I have a camera and can take photos for them."

"Unicorn" charges her customers 50 yuan ($7) per hour, which is affordable even for students, as it only takes one or two hour(s) to visit the city downtown, she said.

More than 85 percent of the "special forces travelers" are college students, said a report released by China Tourism Academy in December 2023.

It's not surprising that "special forces travel" is gaining momentum especially among young people, said tourism industry expert Yang Yong, who is a professor of the Faculty of Economics and Management at East China Normal University.

"This travel style allows tourists to visit many attractions in a short time, catering to the modern need of taking photos at the destinations and sharing them on social media, which has become a way people socialize nowadays," Yang told the Global Times. "Let alone the relatively lower cost of the 'special forces travel' is very friendly to young people."

Double-edged sword

The booming "special forces travel" has brought prosperity to some lesser-known destinations in China. For example, Zibo and Tianshui cities, which experienced a sudden surge in popularity overnight respectively due to their signature barbecue and malatang (a street hotpot), used to attract a large number of "special forces travelers" to visit; nonetheless, when these temporary local food crazes later cooled, travelers left, and once some snack shops had to close their doors, people started to realize that "special forces travel" is a double-edge sword bringing both opportunities and challenges.

Today many people travel according to the latest trends, but trends tend to change quickly. "Tourism practitioners must improve service quality to attract and retain visitors," Yang said, adding that "The industry needs to innovate and improve to better serve "special forces travelers and sustain the local tourism economy."

Three-time Olympic champion Sun Yang returns to competition after 4-year ban

After ending his four-year ban in May due to an anti-doping rule violation, China's three-time Olympic champion Sun Yang returned to competition with an emotional victory at the national summer swimming championships.

Representing his hometown Zhejiang Province, Sun won the second-tier race with a time of 3:49.58, after clocking a 3:54.98 in the heat earlier on Sunday. Sun burst into tears twice after finishing each of the races while passing the media zone for an interview.

Fans were thrilled to see Sun's return as the topic "Sun Yang wins 400m free" quickly dominated Chinese social media on Sunday evening. 

Looking at the times of athletes at the national championships held in early 2024, Sun's result in the final made him the fifth fastest in the discipline. 

In June 2021, a panel of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) announced that Sun committed an anti-doping rule violation "when an unsuccessful attempt was made to collect blood and urine samples from him at his residence on September 4-5, 2018." 

The CAS Panel banned Sun from competition on February 28, 2020 for four years and three months.

Born in December 1991 in Zhejiang's capital Hangzhou, Sun became China's first-ever men's swimming Olympic champion at London 2012, where he won both the 400m and 1,500m freestyle events. Sun remains the Olympic record holder in the men's 400 meters freestyle. 

At Rio 2016 Olympics, Sun won the men's 200m freestyle and  became the first-ever male swimmer to win Olympic gold medals in the 200m, 400m and 1,500m freestyle.

Several elite Chinese swimmers, including Fei Liwei and Zhang Zhanshuo who represented China at the Paris Olympics in men's 400 meters freestyle, skipped the national summer swimming championships for vacations after Olympics. 

According to the national anti-doping management regulations enforced in 2021, Sun is unlikely to be included in future Chinese swimming squads at international competitions as any athletes who have been banned for more than one year due to a doping violation are not eligible to be selected for the national team.

Chen Xinyi, a female swimmer who was able to achieve a top-five performance in national swimming events, has not participated in any international competitions since serving a two-year ban after testing positive for banned substances at the Rio Olympics in 2016.

The national summer swimming championships, running from Sunday to Wednesday, has attracted 499 athletes from 24 teams nationwide. 

Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics on 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping

Chinese President Xi Jinping lauded the "outstanding contributions" of late leader Deng Xiaoping and urged advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by Deng, as the country marked Deng's 120th birth anniversary on Thursday.

Addressing a meeting held to mark the anniversary, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said the country must continue to thoroughly study and apply Deng Xiaoping Theory.

"Deng made outstanding contributions to the Party, the people, the country, the nation and the world," Xi said, adding that Deng's achievements have been immortalized in history and will always inspire future generations.

Deng was the core of the second generation of the Party's central collective leadership, the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization, and the trailblazer of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Xi said, adding that Deng was also a great internationalist who made major contributions to world peace and development.

"Comrade Deng Xiaoping had lived a glorious, fighting and extraordinary life," he said.

Xi noted that, after the Cultural Revolution, a decade-long turmoil that ended in 1976, Deng had led the Party and the people in achieving China's historic transformation.

Deng pushed China to achieve a new breakthrough in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, break new ground in socialist modernization, and set a correct path for the country's complete reunification, Xi said.

Deng's historical achievements are comprehensive and groundbreaking, with profound and lasting impacts on both China and the world, Xi said.

"We will forever remember his great historical achievements and forever revere his noble revolutionary conduct," Xi said.

The most important intellectual legacy left by Deng is Deng Xiaoping Theory, Xi said, calling for thoroughly studying and applying the theory to address real-world problems.

"The best way to honor Deng is to continue advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that he initiated," Xi said.

Xi called for further comprehensively deepening reform to continuously provide strong momentum and institutional safeguards for Chinese modernization.

He urged moving faster to build a modernized economy, working toward greater self-reliance in the science and technology sector, and developing advanced socialist culture.

Xi also urged efforts to achieve more notable and substantive progress in promoting common prosperity for all.

Realizing China's complete reunification has long been the aspiration of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other members of the older generation of revolutionaries, Xi said.

He urged resolute efforts to promote the peaceful development of relations across the Taiwan Strait, and demanded firm opposition to "Taiwan independence" to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China's men's national 3x3 basketball team gears up for Paris Olympics

On Friday afternoon, China's men's national 3x3 basketball team conducted its first open media session of the year during their training camp for the Paris Olympic Games. Head coach Wang Zhanyu underscored the urgency of preparing effectively for the upcoming games in Paris.

Zhang Ning, who resumed training on Thursday after completing his university studies during his vacation, will join Zhao Jiaren and Lu Wenbo next weekend at the Chengdu Basketball Masters Tournament.

"The primary challenge for the team right now is time," emphasized Wang. "Some players have just rejoined the team, so we need to capitalize on every moment to refine our tactics and strengthen team chemistry."

The 3x3 basketball competition at the Paris Olympic Games is scheduled from July 30 to August 5 at Place de la Concorde. With slightly over a month left, the training squad plans to participate in three tournaments to simulate competitive conditions.

"We will compete in Chengdu next weekend, Canada in early July, and Langfang in mid-July. Following these tournaments, we intend to proceed to a training camp in France for our final preparations before the Olympics," Wang added.

Last year, under the national team's strategy, Zhang Ning and his teammates played with various teams, partnering with international players and achieving significant success in top-tier FIBA events.

"Our players have gained invaluable experience from their international counterparts. We aim to showcase our distinctive style of play during our preparations," said Zhang Ning.

Yan Peng, participating in his second Olympic preparation cycle, observed that the team's competition has grown stronger since the last Olympics. However, he noted that the team's preparation this time is more comprehensive.

"Zhang Ning's skills in driving and shooting are exceptional, and he remains the core of our team," Yan emphasized.

The coaching staff will thoroughly assess the players' performance in both games and training sessions to determine the final roster for the Paris Olympic Games, considering their on-court combinations and effectiveness.