China-Russia joint drill enters 2nd phase

The ongoing China-Russia joint military exercise has entered its second phase, in which warships from the two countries are scheduled to hold live-fire drill sessions in the Sea of Japan, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Taking place simultaneously with a China-Russia joint coast guard exercise and patrol, the China-Russia military maneuvers once again highlighted a high level of security and defense cooperation between the two countries, experts said.

The opening ceremony of the Northern/Interaction-2024 joint exercise was held at a Russian naval port on Saturday, after which warships from the two navies set out and maneuvered toward the exercise zone, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy said in a press release on Saturday.

Forces from the two sides will hold joint drill sessions over objectives including maritime and air escort, alert and defense, air defense and anti-missile, and live-fire shooting.

A Chinese commander said at the opening ceremony that the Northern/Interaction series of drills has developed a mature mechanism with standardized procedures, and the drill scenarios are becoming closer to real combat, per the release.

A press release from the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday that the joint detachment of ships set out from Vladivostok and would hold exercises in the waters of the Sea of Japan during the week.

The Chinese naval forces including destroyers Xining and Wuxi, frigate Linyi and supply ship Taihu rendezvoused with their Russian counterparts on September 9 and held the first phase of the drill in waters and airspaces of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk until September 15, according to previous releases by the PLA Navy.

The drill is separated into two phases because the first phase was held concurrently with Russia's Ocean-2024 strategic exercise, and the second phase is a standalone session, a Chinese military expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times on Sunday.

Zhang Junshe, another Chinese military expert, told the Global Times that consecutive military interactions show that the two countries are boosting strategic cooperation. This is conducive to global peace and stability as the two countries are both permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Besides the military drill, the two countries' coast guards held a joint drill near the Peter the Great Bay from September 16 to 20, and started a joint patrol in international waters of the North Pacific on September 21, according to the China Coast Guard. This showed a high level of security and defense cooperation, which includes military and law enforcement. This is conducive to the maintenance of international maritime order and the advancement of ocean governance, experts said.

Chang’e-6 lunar samples to be open for global application, aimed at advancing moon research

The first batch of lunar samples from the far side of the moon, collected by China's Chang'e-6 mission, is expected to be distributed to domestic scientists by the end of 2024, with availability for international researchers to follow. These samples are anticipated to further deepen mankind's understanding of the moon.

The CCTV news reported on Tuesday that the Chang'e-6 lunar scientific research samples will be distributed by means through an open application system. Researchers can access information and apply for the samples through the Lunar and Deep Space Exploration Scientific Data and Sample Release System on China's Lunar and Deep Space Exploration website.

Scientists around the world are keenly interested in this only batch of lunar samples, which are expected to update mankind's understanding of the Moon, Li Chunlai, deputy chief designer of the mission told the CCTV news.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told the Global Times in July that China published the Announcement of Opportunities for the Chang'e-6 Mission, which was available to the entire world. We also welcome countries around the world to take part in the study of lunar samples, Mao added.

The remarks made after NASA has once again resorted to its "sour grapes" rhetoric upon seeing China's successful retrieval of fresh lunar soils from the far side of the moon, by claiming that China did not directly invite its scientists to participate in the lunar soil research.

Li noted that the Chang'e-6 mission team has completed the unsealing, partitioning, processing, preparation, and preliminary analysis of the samples.

During the process of assembling the samples, the team observed that the lunar samples brought back by Chang'e-6 had more spalls than those from Chang'e-5. After preliminary analysis, scientists believe this is likely due to the fact that Chang'e-6's sampling point is located on the edge of an impact crater, which bears some relation to the spatter generated by the collision, Liu Jianjun, deputy chief commander of the ground application system of the mission, told the CCTV news.

The samples also contain a greater variety of minerals than those collected from the Chang'e-5 lunar samples, and they are of a finer texture, Liu added.

Considering that the lunar samples are very valuable, to ensure the safety of them, the security measures for the storage room are comparable to those of a vault, and the entire outer layer of the room is covered with steel plate structure, said Zhou Qin, a deputy chief designer of the ground application system of the mission.

The storage facility is a high-level clean room, where all air flowing into is purified by a filter cartridge. The room also meets high environmental requirements, maintaining a constant temperature and humidity environment, Zhou mentioned.

Chang'e-6 - China's latest leap of moon exploration - has claimed full success, as the returning capsule of the craft, carrying the first batch of lunar samples collected from the far side of the moon in human history, safely touched down in designated landing site in the Siziwang Banner, in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on June 25, and the returner of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe was opened at a ceremony in Beijing on the following day, with key technical indicators examined, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Lessons of perseverance and wisdom from Sun Wukong’s trials

Editor's Note:

"Read ten thousand books, and your pen will be guided as if by the gods" is an ancient Chinese idiom that can be seen in students' textbooks. China's Ministry of Education has published an action plan to further promote reading among students across the nation. With new and diverse book recommendations, the reading scene is expected to be revived not only at schools, but also across society.

To contribute to this endeavor, the Global Times launched the "My Reading Life" essay contest for middle school students.

Please pick up a pen and share your stories with us at Participants will be rewarded once the article has been selected.

When it comes to Journey to the West, the first thing that comes to my mind are the stone benches in the shade of tall willows overlapping with green and flowing in the humid summer breeze. 

Accompanied by the noisy chirping of cicadas, the fascinating stories of Sun Wukong, or the Monkey King, were told to youngsters by their elders. It is a very enjoyable childhood moment. Looking back on those days, there is no doubt that these imaginative and beautiful stories are full of curiosity and longing.

As a kid, I longed for a day when I could have the power of Sun Wukong, also known as the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Like him, I would freely "climb up to the top of the heaven to capture the moon, and down to the deep oceans to catch turtles." With an invincible ability like him, I would be able to resolve all my worries.

But as I grew older, my life was no longer carefree. My once omnipotent idol seemed to have lost his power. Even when I thought of him, I would ask myself, "If he is truly omnipotent, why would he still be misunderstood? How could he be impatient and unable to defeat his enemies?" With these questions in mind, I reopened this book.

Reading this novel again made me see all the characters from a different perspective. I saw Sun Wukong's concern for his fellows, and his willingness to cross out the list of the King of Hell in the underworld in order to improve the lives of his monkeys. I also felt indignant about the devaluation and suppression of Sun Wukong by the immortals. 

During his rebellion in the Palace of Heaven, I saw his frankness and courage to resist the imperial power. No matter if he was powerful or not, he always pursued freedom for himself and his fellows. .

The most interesting plot for me was undoubtedly the three fights against the White Bone Demon. The White Bone Demon disguised itself as humans three times with different character of a beautiful girl, an old woman, and an old man each time, attempting to eat the immortal flesh of Xuan Zang, a Tang Dynasty (618-907) Buddhist monk. Despite it was detected by Sun Wukong all three times, the demon managed to escape. On the third occasion, Zhu Bajie became dissatisfied with Sun Wukong's "killing" of this "beautiful girl" and falsely accused him of assaulting her. And no matter how Sun Wukong explained it, Xuan Zang did not trust him, and eventually had to leave him and sever the master-disciple relationship with him. Sun Wukong felt helpless in the face of their doubt. 

So he returned to Huaguo Mountain, his residence. Later, Sun Wukong ultimately went to rescue his master out of concern for his safety. He cleared up the misunderstanding and restored their relationship with Xuan Zang. The journey of obtaining scriptures from the Western Heaven was not solely about the scriptures, but also the journey itself. The repeated dangers tempered Wukong's personality, elevated his qualities and spirit, and gradually changed his impulsive and impatient personality to make him a true hero.

The more times I read this book, the more facets of the characters I see. For instance, when it comes to Xuan Zang, I used to see his unprincipled compassion, inability to distinguish between the wise and the foolish, and his narrow-minded side. 

But now I realize that as a mortal, Xuan Zang studied hard in his youth and obtained the qualifications to embark on the path of seeking scriptures. Faced with the demons that were eyeing him on the road, he never wavered in his belief in obtaining the scriptures and always adhered to his faith despite countless difficulties and obstacles. I even saw that while Zhu Bajie was lazy and could sometimes be untruthful, he also improved himself and changed his bad habits during the journey. 

Each character is like a living person with their own personality, strengths and weaknesses, but they never give up their determination to learn, never abandon their vulnerable mentor, and never let malice dominate their conscience.

Their quest reminded me of my life. The road to growth sometimes feels like being trapped at the foot of Five Finger Mountain, helpless and confused, and I may even temporarily forget my goal. But one day I will break through this obstacle and become strong enough to continue moving forward. I remember the breakthroughs I have made in difficult situations. Without the obstruction of reefs, it would be impossible for a running river to stir up enchanting waves. 

A feathered eagle, without stormy combat, cannot achieve the freedom to spread its wings and fly high. A person's life is destined to experience the baptism of wind and rain in order to grow up. 

Just like Sun Wukong, the day we overcome eighty-one perils is the day we will achieve immortality.

The author is a student at Beijing Zhongguancun Middle School Zhichun Branch.

Air China introduces first domestically produced C919 large aircraft

On Thursday, at 11:23, an Air China C919 aircraft with the registration number B-919X, landed smoothly at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing. It taxied slowly through a water cannon salute, as it was welcomed at the airport. Air China's first C919 aircraft has now officially joined the fleet.
The C919 aircraft is an important milestone in the development of China's large aircraft industry. As the country's national carrier, the introduction and operation of the C919 is part of Air China's continued mission in the new era, and is a vivid example of transforming the company into a world-class enterprise.

Air China has consistently prioritized safety while introducing the C919. It has established four professional groups with the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) in terms of aircraft maintenance, personnel training, ground support, and operation control. It also selected business linchpins to participate in aircraft selection, production supervision, personnel training, and operation preparation.

In addition, Air China established a pilot team. The team completed the first round of high-quality pilot conversion training, completing the systematic training of dispatchers, flight attendants, safety officers, and ground support personnel, solidly promoting the creation of maintenance support capabilities, and comprehensively creating service quality risk management and operation service standards. This process directly contributed to the smooth introduction of C919, as well as safe and efficient operations.

Air China had a considerable selection of the C919 aircraft. The aircraft is an extended-range aircraft with a loose two-class layout of 158 seats, including eight business class seats and 150 economy class seats.

It has adopted domestically produced seats with full functionality, created exclusive cabin entertainment programs and safety instructions videos, and provided customized in-flight supplies and other exclusive configurations to provide passengers with a better travel experience.

Air China will work intensively, efficiently, and in an orderly fashion to complete various tasks including the testing of ground support, route verification flights, on-site training, emergency evacuation procedure demonstrations, and new model operation certification to ensure the first C919 is successfully brought into commercial operation.

Air China has long been committed to supporting the development of domestically produced large aircrafts. In July 2020, Air China's first ARJ21-700 passenger aircraft was brought into operation. So far, Air China has introduced a total of 29 ARJ21 passenger aircrafts, with more than 70,000 safe flight hours.

In April 2024, Air China signed a purchase agreement with COMAC for 100 C919 aircrafts, which are scheduled to be delivered to Air China in batches from 2024 to 2031.

In the future, Air China will actively work with partners such as COMAC to consolidate the aircraft operation guarantee system, give full play to its route network advantages, strengthen market promotion, and select high-quality routes, in a bid to lay a solid foundation for the large-scale operation of the C919.

Chinese volunteers fight poaching of elephants in Africa, improve wildlife conservation by sharing resources, expertise

Editor's Note:

In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time raised the principles of "zhen shi qin cheng" for China's Africa policy in a speech at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center in Tanzania, meaning sincerity, real results, amity and good faith.

Many years have passed since that momentous day in the history of China-Africa ties, but the principles endure. They have not only underpinned China's engagement with Africa in numerous fruitful cooperation projects, but also helped people get closer and closer through exchanges and deepening friendships. 

From wild elephants to rare plants, China and Africa have been working together to maintain the world's biodiversity, contributing to the world with their solutions and experience. In this issue of the special coverage of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), Global Times reporters Ji Yuqiao, Dong Feng and Xu Liuliu introduce more details of this cooperation and joint efforts.

The size of the African elephant is something that profoundly impressed Bu Guijun when he engaged in anti-poaching efforts in Zimbabwe.

"Did you know African elephants can walk without making any sound? Once while we were focused on testing our equipment, we suddenly felt something unusual behind us, and then turned around with terrified faces as the giant creature, around five meters tall, stood just two to three meters away from us," he recalled in the interview with the Global Times.

After taking part in the efforts, Bu also became more keenly aware of the survival dilemma the largest terrestrial mammal faces.

"Before 2017, there were at least 1,000 elephants killed by poaching just in Zimbabwe," Bu said. At that time, due to limited equipment and manpower, local park rangers had to spend a large amount of time patrolling around the 2,900-square-kilometer Mana Pools National Park, which had only a minimal deterrent effect on the crimes committed against the wild animals.

Since 2015, dozens of Chinese volunteers, organized by the Beijing-based non-profit organization Peaceland Foundation and furnished with advanced equipment such as delta wings and night-vision devices, lent a hand to the national park to protect these creatures from the threat of poachers. Bu was one of them.

Four years later, poaching in the national park was virtually eliminated.

Also in 2015, more than 20 abandoned African elephant calves were rescued and brought to China through the joint efforts of relevant authorities in China and Zimbabwe. They have been settled at the Qingyuan National Ex-situ Conservation Base of World Endangered Flora and Fauna in South China's Guangdong Province.

Chinese breeders built a home suitable for the elephants' growth according to expertise on the species' habitual nature. The first of the second generation of these special "immigrants" was born in 2022, and by August 2024, a total of 10 baby elephants have been born at the base. The family is thriving.

Be it on the vast African savanna or at the breeding grounds in South China, the population of African elephants has been regaining vitality through Chinese cooperation with African countries. This return mirrors the current situation of other species on the African continent.

An initiative to strengthen China-Africa cooperation for green and sustainable development was launched in Beijing on August 27 before the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) with the aim of sharing the best practices in areas such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and environmental pollution management. Additionally, the initiative facilitates collaboration in standards and technologies.

Before that, a series of efforts aimed at environmental and biodiversity issues had been launched. For instance, the China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Center, a platform for broad environmental policy dialogue, information exchange, capacity building and cooperation on green development, was officially established at the 7th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit held in 2018.

Experts pointed out that China and Africa are enhancing collaboration in the burgeoning area of biodiversity preservation.

"This partnership can be seen as a model for how countries can work together to address global environmental challenges. By sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise, China and Africa can enhance their capacity to protect endangered species and ecosystems," Edward Mungai, chief editor of Africa Sustainability Matters based in Kenya, told the Global Times.
Population rebound

All 10 elephant calves have survived and are in a healthy state since the first was born in 2022, the Chinese breeding base told the Global Times in a statement, emphasizing that "All baby elephants are raised by their mothers. As these are orphaned elephants, which did not receive any instruction on survival and nurturing from the elephant herd, them being able to raise their own young can be seen as a miracle."

Now, even the two youngest elephants are gaining one to 1.2 kilograms in weight per day.

To maintain the herd's health and capability to reproduce, Chinese breeders spent lots of time searching for a suitable environment for the elephants to live in. They also hired people to plant 300 acres of elephant grass and other varieties of trees in the mountains as food for the herd.

"In the beginning, we already had experience taking care of Asian elephants, which helped us take care of these young African elephants. At present, the African elephants have their own healthy menu for their diet, and breeders have established a firm rapport with the herd by caring about their mental state at the same time," the statement said.

As the African elephant herds' needs change across different stages of their lives, the base is mulling whether it will be best to send these elephants back to their homeland that would be more suitable for them.

"This progress highlights the potential of ex-situ conservation, where species are maintained and bred outside their natural habitats. The successful breeding of 10 baby elephants is evidence of the effective management and care provided at the center. It demonstrates how human intervention, when properly executed, can contribute positively to the survival and propagation of species at risk of extinction," Mungai commented.

The success at the breeding base highlights the potential for further collaboration in other areas of biodiversity conservation, such as the protection of other endangered species, habitat restoration, and the development of sustainable wildlife management practices, Mungai explained.

Data from international organizations also indicate that some progress has been made in efforts to preserve biodiversity in Africa.

With joint efforts, mountain gorillas are also making a comeback. The species based in Virunga Massif, an area of about 450 square kilometers straddling the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, saw an increase in numbers, which jumped from 620 individuals in 1998 to 1,063 today.

The African rhino population has also been growing. Ahead of World Rhino Day in September 2023, African authorities estimated that there were 23,290 rhinos across the continent at the end of 2022, 5.2 percent more than in 2021.

Experts emphasized that there is plenty of room for China-Africa cooperation on biodiversity conservation to further increase the population of these endangered species.

Song Wei, a professor at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Beijing Foreign Studies University, highlighted China's active role in its commitment to the international convention on biodiversity. China was among the first to sign the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), considered to be the key document for supporting global sustainable development.
Chasing hope

In recent years, the Chinese government has reinforced wildlife protection laws, launched major biodiversity conservation projects, banned the trade of ivory, and taken a strong stance against the illegal trade of wildlife products like elephant and rhino parts. China has also been proactive in international wildlife protection cooperation, signing agreements with African nations such as South Africa and Kenya.

Furthermore, China has supplied container monitoring systems and wildlife protection gear to countries like Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, while also assisting in training efforts. This support has significantly boosted these African countries' law enforcement capabilities and efforts to protect their wildlife.

All of these endeavors aim to create a safer and more suitable environment for wildlife so as to maintain their population.

Without the threat of poachers, the African elephants living at the Mana Pools National Park have been flourishing.

What contributed to this result is the sea-land-air three-dimensional protection model jointly established by local patrolmen and Chinese volunteers like Bu.

Bu told the Global Times that the volunteers recognize the idea that rather than giving someone a fish, it is better to teach them to fish, so they sent various tools for patrolling, including gliders, delta wings and speed boats designed for shallow water territory to the park, aiming to enlarge patrolling areas and enhance efficiency.

Chinese volunteers worked hand in glove with local rangers almost every day and took part in patrols with these rangers. During this process, they tried to teach rangers to use various advanced equipment such as night-vision devices and thermal cameras.

"At the beginning, local people queried whether we sincerely wanted to help them fight poachers, but time has proven our commitment. After taking helicopters, boats and vehicles together on patrols and sharing our food with each other, we became friends," Bu said.

Even today, Chinese volunteers back home remain in touch with the African rangers. "They still look forward to us visiting the park," Bu said.

Even though volunteers have left the national park, the foundation still delivers supplies such as hay to support the conservation efforts.

There have been some institutions concentrating on talent cultivation and scientific research, including the Sino-Africa Joint Research Center approved by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology of Kenya, the center has built long-term cooperative relationships with over 20 universities and scientific research institutions in more than 10 countries in Africa. Meanwhile, it has provided scholarships to more than 140 students from Africa to pursue master's or PhD degrees while over 160 scientists and senior technicians from 13 African countries have also been trained since the inception of the center.

"China has been regulating Chinese enterprises in their investment and operations in Africa. Take protecting local biodiversity for instance. While building the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway [SGR], Chinese organizations attached great importance to ensuring the migration of animals was not affected," Song added.

Sharing her outlook on China, a responsible major country, Song said that the Chinese government will continue to regulate Chinese organizations to protect biodiversity and promote green development.

She also foresees that China will continue its commitment under the framework of the UN and its support for the CBD as well as provide necessary development funds for the international convention.

"China will work with developing countries to improve their capabilities in biodiversity protection, raise awareness among the people and offer financial and technical support," said Song.

Beijing Xiangshan Forum accumulates positive energy for global security: Global Times editorial

The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum kicks off on Thursday. The number and level of participants has exceeded all previous years, with over 500 official representatives from more than 100 countries and international organizations, as well as over 200 experts and scholars from both China and abroad. The forum comes at a time when China and the US are enhancing military exchanges, with foreign media outlets reporting that the US will send higher-ranking officials compared to last year. Despite the severe challenges currently facing global peace and prosperity, building trust and resolving doubts through dialogue and communication remain the overarching focus of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum.

The theme of this year's forum is "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future," with four plenary sessions that include topics such as "Security cooperation and Asia-Pacific Prosperity and Stability." There will also be eight simultaneous special sessions covering issues such as "ASEAN and Security Architecture of Asia-Pacific" and "Maintaining Northeast Asian Security." 

In addition to addressing current pressing global security challenges, the forum will also practice the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. This reflects a pursuit of the "greatest common denominator" for global security concerns and aims to provide a Chinese solution for global security governance.

In the past, internationally influential security forums were predominantly dominated by Western countries, leaving the voices and concerns of developing and smaller countries easily overshadowed and ignored. 

In contrast, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum has always emphasized providing a platform for these nations to engage in equal dialogue and express their collective voices. Two main topics at this year's forum were "Multipolarity and the Evolving International Order" and "'Global South' and World Peaceful Development," offering more opportunities for the "Global South" to be heard. This aligns with the contemporary demand for replacing unilateralism with multilateralism and transcending zero-sum games through win-win cooperation.

This year's forum has further increased the participation of representatives from developed countries and emerging powers, with European and American scholars comprising about one-third of the foreign participants. This truly reflects China's advocacy for a more just and equitable international order, dedicated to creating more opportunities to strengthen South-South cooperation, promote North-South collaboration, and advance progress for all of humanity, demonstrating valuable inclusiveness. From guiding principles to topic selection, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum's approach to global security concerns is proactive and constructive, contributing positive energy to global security.

Currently, there is a general consensus in international community that "humanity once again stands at the crossroads of history." However, differing views exist regarding some specific issues surrounding this fundamental judgment. For instance, when it comes to maintaining global and regional security, should we employ collective deterrence or resort to dialogue and consultation? Should we prioritize "one country" or "a camp," or focus on the reasonable security concerns of all countries? These questions reflect varying perspectives on security. Countries generally share a common need to avoid confrontation through dialogue, but this dialogue must be equal, allowing nations of all sizes, wealth, and strength the opportunity to participate and express their concerns. This is also an important goal that the Beijing Xiangshan Forum is dedicated to achieving.

How military interactions between China and the US will unfold at this forum is also one of the most closely watched topics by the international community. This year, the two militaries have held multiple meetings. On September 10, Wu Yanan, Commander of the Southern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, held a video call with Samuel Paparo, Commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command. This marked the first video call between the theater commanders of the two countries and signified the restoration of all four military exchange and cooperation mechanisms agreed upon during the meeting between the two heads of state in San Francisco last November. 

Finding the correct way for China and the US to get along with each other through dialogue is not only a matter of considering the fundamental interests of both countries and welfare of their peoples, but also a response to the world's expectations.

Safety is the prerequisite for development, and humanity is an inseparable community of security. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China has always been a steadfast advocate for peace and development, and a major contributor to regional and global prosperity. Therefore, we look forward to exploring a new path to security with countries around the world, one that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance, and win-win results over zero-sum game, under the guidance of the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. This is a challenge that all of humanity should respond to together, and it is also a key reason why the Beijing Xiangshan Forum has gained increasing influence and is becoming an important international public security platform.

Building a 'Talent Reservoir' - Empowering the Construction of a World-Class Power Grid Company

"I truly benefited greatly from this training session for new employees. Not only have my skills improved, but I also had a chance to develop other personal qualities. This experience has filled me with anticipation for my future work life," said Pei Yanan, a new hire of the State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company, on September 9, 2024.

During this new employee training, the State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company developed a training program for its new hires in 2024. Through a two-way selection process, career mentors were assigned and individualized development plans were created, helping the new employees transition from "workplace novices" to "business pillars." This initiative also reflects State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company's broader efforts in youth talent development.

To address issues such as an un-optimized talent structure and a lack of vitality among the work force, the company has established a "Talent Reservoir" focused on identifying and nurturing young talent. 

They emphasize the selection of top performers and have built a "reservoir" for young leaders and core staff members coming  from  all levels and stages. Focusing on team development, they reserve and cultivate talent, invigorate the cadre team, and improve support and tracking measures for young employees. Employees under 40 years old maintain individual growth records through a "One Person, One File" system called the "Young Employee Growth Archive," creating an efficient "young leader supply chain" to promote orderly mobility within the cadre team and ensure a steady flow of fresh talent.

 Additionally, they have established a mechanism to identify the capabilities and qualifications of young leaders relative to job requirements, incorporating methods such as tool-based identification and impression assessment to proactively and accurately recognize talent.

Inclusiveness builds an ocean. State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company follows the principles of cadre development, employing a systematic mindset. They focus on critical areas such as selecting, cultivating, and deploying young cadres, building a comprehensive training system and enhancing relevant management mechanisms. This ensures that young cadres, who are politically sound, morally excellent, and academically  qualified, enter an optimal career ladder at the best age to maximize their impact. The company actively cultivates 'compliance + business' composite talents, thereby accumulating 'youth strength' for constructing a world-class power grid company.

China-EU trade maintains growth momentum in Jan-Aug, highlighting the complementarity between the two economies

The EU remained China's second-largest trading partner in the first eight months of the year, with bilateral trade posting growth of 1.1 percent during the period, slightly up from a reading of 0.4 percent in the January-July period, data from Chinese customs showed on Tuesday.

The data reflected the continued improvement of trade, after January-July data reversed a downward trend, underscoring the resilience and complementarity of the two economies, despite some recent protectionist measures implemented by the EU such as the bloc's hefty provisional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs).

Total bilateral trade reached 3.72 trillion yuan ($522.61 billion) in yuan-denominated terms between January and August, up 1.1 percent on a yearly basis, according to the General Administration of Customs. 

The data confirmed the improvement from the first half, during which bilateral trade declined by 0.7 percent year-on-year.

China's exports to the EU increased by 2.9 percent year-on-year to 2.44 trillion yuan while imports from the bloc decreased by 2.1 percent on a yearly basis to 1.28 trillion yuan, the GAC data showed. Trade with the EU accounted for 13 percent of China's total trade, unchanged from the January-July period.

The trade data came as the EU has increasingly resorted to protectionist measures in face of fierce external competition. The latest improving data showed that the economies of China and the EU are highly complementary, and that China's mega-market and the EU's single market can offer huge opportunities for each other's economic development, analysts noted.

Instead of resorting to protectionism, the EU should remain open and confident to create a fair competition environment to allow trade to flourish, they said. 

In August, trade reached 500.51 billion yuan,down from July's 503.3 billion yuan.

In the month, the bloc unveiled a draft decision to impose final countervailing duties of up to 36.3 percent on Chinese EVs.

Overall, China's foreign trade grew 6 percent during the first eight months. Auto exports value grew by 22.2 percent on a yearly basis to 540.84 billion yuan while imports of autos slid by 6.6 percent to 193.61 billion yuan. 

Putin’s Mongolia visit eyes ‘enhancing economic ties, a continuation of Pivot to the East policy’

At the invitation of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a state visit to Mongolia on September 2-3, with meetings between two sides would be devoted to key issues of bilateral relations and promising areas of cooperation. 

Analysts said Putin's visit is a continuation of Russia's "Pivot to the East" policy, and is aimed at enhancing economic cooperation, with neighboring countries, against the background of continued pressure from the West amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

According to the Kremlin official, Putin will arrive in Ulaanbaatar on the evening of September 2. He will meet with Mongolia's President Khurelsukh, Chairman of the Great State Khural of Mongolia Dashzegviin Amarbayasgalan and Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene during his visit, according to TASS.

Yury Ushakov, the presidential international affairs aide, said that "Promising areas for interaction between our countries will be discussed, including cooperation in the sphere of industry, agriculture, energy and transport, including the railroad one. Naturally, international and regional problems will be highlighted."

Chen Yurong, an expert with the Beijing-based China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times on Monday that Putin's visit to Mongolia will see economic and political connections between the two countries strengthened, especially in the energy sector. 

Due to its unique location between China and Russia, Mongolia places great importance on its relations with both countries, according to Chen. 

Cui Heng, a scholar from the Shanghai-based China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation, told the Global Times that Putin's visit to Mongolia also marked the continuation of Russia's "Pivot to the East" policy.

He said the policy has promoted the industrialization in Russia's Far East region and helped forge closer cooperation between Russia and Asia-Pacific countries.

Astronauts’ plight in space lays bare US’ setback in innovation, manufacturing

Over two months after two American astronauts were sent to the International Space Station (ISS) for an eight-day mission but ended up being stranded there, NASA finally "settled the case" with its sophistry.

The truth is, the two astronauts are stuck in space due to technical issues with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft and will have to wait until next year for a ride home with SpaceX, turning an eight-day "space trip" into an eight-month "star trek." However, NASA has refrained from acknowledging its predicament. In a press release at the end of August, it redesigned the tasks for the astronauts and commended the NASA and Boeing teams, as if everything were under control, downplaying the fact that there are still two astronauts trapped on the ISS.

The incident has not only exposed shortcomings within Boeing in its technology and management, but also reflects the limitations of NASA in today's American space industry, shedding light on a broader decline in US aerospace capabilities.

Boeing's problems are evident. Once a dominant figure in global aerospace, Boeing has faced a series of setbacks in recent years, struggling with both commercial aviation and space endeavors. 

The technical failure of the Starliner highlights problems in the company's manufacturing, management system, as well as its research and development (R&D). It relies heavily on government contracts which come with minimal market competition, hindering innovation and R&D investment. 

Additionally, under the banner of "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)," positions have been filled by individuals lacking the necessary technical expertise, leading to a decline in technical capabilities. 

As the leading agency in American space exploration, NASA also shares some of the responsibility. In recent years, NASA appears to be losing its efficiency and rigor in project management and oversight. In response to Boeing's repeated technical failures, NASA failed to implement timely remedial measures and instead exhibited a laissez-faire approach to critical projects, which only exacerbated the issues.

Moreover, there are criticisms regarding NASA's partner selection and resource allocation. Despite Boeing's long-standing history and experience in space, its innovation capacity and market responsiveness now clearly lag behind emerging competitors like SpaceX. Whether NASA should continue to rely heavily on problematic companies like Boeing is now being questioned.

These problems are not isolated to Boeing or NASA, but reflect a broader challenge for the American aerospace sector. 

First, the innovation capacity of the US aerospace industry is facing serious problems. The US, which used to be a global leader in technological innovation, now shows signs of stagnation or even regression in key areas. Boeing's struggle has demonstrated a troubled scenario of the industry as a whole. Long-term market monopolies and dependence on government contracts have hindered technological innovation and reduced competitiveness against emerging challengers.

Second, the US also finds itself in trouble in terms of industrial manufacturing capabilities. Boeing's problems are not merely about mismanagement, but also about a declining manufacturing capacity. Manufacturing is fundamental to a country's technological innovation and economic strength. Without a robust manufacturing foundation, the US' global leadership in technology will be inevitably weakened. A decline in manufacturing capabilities will directly impact national security and international competitiveness, especially in the aerospace industry.

Digging down to the roots, problems can be found in US policymaking and management systems. As the leader of national space endeavors, NASA's decision-making failures and management laxity have directly affected American space projects. Meanwhile, the US government lacks clear policies on supporting emerging enterprises and addressing the recession of traditional companies, leaving the industry as a whole without a clear direction in global competition.

The failure of the Starliner is more than just a technical malfunction; it offers a glimpse into the challenges facing the US aerospace industry. Once a global leader in space technology, the US now faces unprecedented challenges and urgently needs to reboot innovation, enhance manufacturing, and optimize management systems.